ELSE ADDIS Textile Factory

RIDERS ELSE Textile Factory Profile

  • Owner: Riders Trading and Manufacturing Share Company
  • The Factory is Located in Oromia Regional State, East Shoa Zone, Adama town, Kebele 05
  • Factory is built on 149,651 m 2 of land out of which about 36,000 m 2 is effectively for the
    construction of factories, warehouses, workshops and resident houses. It has additional 1,500
    m 2 of land for construction of new building for expansion towards the establishment of wet
    processing, washing and garments
  • The factory comprises:
    o Spinning and weaving mills
    o Residential buildings
    o Transformer houses
    o Security building
    o Control panel room
    o carding machines
    o high-capacity open end and ring yarn installations
    o high-speed, wide-width air jet looms complete with a pirn winder machine
    o knitting machines capable of producing different types and widths of yarn
  • It produces yarns of different type and size:
    o Ring combed yarn: NE 10, NE 30, NE 21, NE 20
    o Yarn (OE): NE 10, NE 20, NE 16
  • It has created employment opportunity for more than 800 people