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Riders Kick starts the Preparation of a Strategic Plan cum Roadmap

Riders has commenced the preparation of a strategic plan which sketches the company’s roadmap for the coming fifteen years.

The long term plan is envisaged to have two components, namely, a five-year strategic plan (Riders 2027) and a fifteen-year Road map (Riders 2037), according to Mr. Mohammedzain Khedir, head, Strategic Planning and Marketing division of the company.

The plan will be undertaken with an extensive scanning of both internal and external environments within which the company is set to operate. Local and global benchmarks have been carefully selected in order to have a concrete baseline reference.

Recurrent consultations will be held with Riders’ staff, stakeholders and other groups of interest in the course of the planning.

The plan is going to be prepared in-house in a participatory manner, engaging all major stakeholders and is scheduled to be delivered within a couple of months.